Ruby's Rockstar Room
Giving Time - Teaching Skills for Life
By Ruby
I am Ruby and I like loads of sports.
I am 8 years old and I go to a good school. I like school because we watch videos.
It has a sensory room with a disco light and a magic mirror. there is a radio and a carpet with lighting.
I like to play football and tennis in the afternoons.
At lunchtime we can play basketball, beachball, volleyball, tennis and shooting tennis balls at the walls.
At home I like to go outside and ride my scooter and skateboard. I like to draw things.
I'm working on a robot from starwars.
I go on the Nintendo Wii and play happyfeet and Super Mario Party 8 and Raving Rabids.
I like Wii fit as well.
My favorite foods are pizza, lesagne, and pasta bake with loads of sweetcorn.
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