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Mom Work From Home Tips
Work At Home Moms

Here are some mom work from home tips. Work at home moms need to balance relationships, kids, housework and cooking within their working day.

I don't know about you but the kids go off to school (2 of our kids go to school, 2 others are homeschooled or at home) and before long they are back again. I don't know where the time goes but it flies by. To be able to work from home with kids takes clever planning, organisation and discipline.

Here are our mom work from home tips:

  • 1. Make a list of all you need to get done this week in terms of work. Break this down into manageable daily steps.
  • Put essential but don't like jobs first and make sure you do them.
  • 2. Plan your week on a chart, putting in all the have to's first.
  • Put your kids activities, chores, shopping, meetings, trips to dentist etc into it.
  • 3. Now add other essentials that will keep you sane...a date night with your man, time out for yourself, quality time with your kids,
  • Schedule it in otherwise these important things will not happen and your man and kids will resent your work.
  • 4. Have a set time to finish your work each day, this will help you plan.
  • 5. If possible have a room that is set aside for work use and have a separate telephone line, this so your kids do not answer a potential professional phone call.
  • If the kids are old enough teach them signals that will indicate when they need to keep quiet due to a call.
  • 6. Make a weekly menu that will help make grocery shopping quicker. Or shop online. I do this it saves a lot of time, the shopping is delivered to the door leaving me time to do other things.
  • 7. Get up an hour will be surprise at how much you can accomplish in this time before the kids rise.
  • 8. Prepare packed lunches, school uniform, shoes etc the evening before this way your day will hopefully be off to an organised start.
  • 9. If your kids are at home prepare stuff for them to do the day before you work. Set up a play area near you, set up drawing, building blocks and other toys that will help to keep them occupied while you work.
  • A favorite DVD will also give you some undisturbed work time.
  • 10. Put in laundry at the beginning of each day, then at break time you can hang it out to dry.
  • Tip: if you use clothes softener and remove washing from machine as soon as cycle has finished, then shake out washing, fold if you cannot hang it straight away.
  • If you then hang washing and straighten it on the line you will not need to do as much ironing. If you use a tumble dryer, don't overfill and remove washing as soon as you can and fold it.
  • This really does work. I know because I hate ironing.

  • 11. I have a quick tidy and vacuum first thing in the morning as I hate mess, then I can concentrate on work.
  • Declutter regularly, this helps by keeping paperwork down and will help to stop you feeling overwhelmed.
More mom work from home tips coming soon.

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