Cloud Dough

Cloud dough is so easy to make just needing two or three ingredients.

cloud dough invitation
cloud dough ingredients

Cloud dough is great for the kids to play with. We made this from four cups of flour and half a cup of vegetable oil (you may need more, just try mixing and moulding it until you are happy with the consistency)

Add children and tools and let them explore and create

I have to say here that this is a very messy activity so either do it outdoors near a water source for clean up; or do indoors with a plastic sheet down. Be prepared to clean up after play has finished so the dough does not get trodden everywhere.

It can be kept in an airtight container and kept for several months if it appears clean. Throw any that has gone on the floor or had dirty hands in.

Cloud dough or moon sand as it is sometimes called can be molded into shapes and makes little sandcastles well.

Children can be as creative as they like with this medium. It is great for:

  • Sensory exploration
  • Filling and pouring
  • Hiding and finding objects
  • Using imagination
  • Language as children describe what they are doing

Here other toys were added. This allowed for  completely different play time, which was around this child's interest of the time "diggers".

J was pretending that this vehicle was a digger and he used the toy children to drive the digger saying that they were "happy"

I added a bun tray which J then filled and pretended that he was making cakes.

All in all this dough is fantastic for creative play but also led to some great learning experiences.

Have you made this? If so have you done anything different or added anything to add to this great play experience?

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