10 Parenting Tips

This article gives 10 Parenting Tips.

So after being parents for 23 years what tips can we give?

1. First and foremost would be to enjoy your children, enjoy being a parent.

Kids stay little for a very short time. 18 years goes by in a flash and then they are all grown up.

Laugh together, have fun, enjoy each other.

2. Take time to be with your kids.

If you work, schedule in an evening or weekend morning when you can spend quality time with the kids.

Do things together that will create happy memories that they and you will treasure for years to come.

3.Be a good parent

We duplicate ourselves into our kids.

The good and the bad. We set the standards.

Will you set low or high standards for your family?

4. Set boundaries.

Kids respond well to boundaries. When you are clear about what behaviour you expect, kids respond well.

They need to know what the boundaries are, then they make a choice whether to obey them.

5. Take time for you.

Yes you heard right.

Good parents make time for themselves as well.

Time to go out together if married or with a partner. Have a weekly or monthly date night together.

Keep your relationship strong

Take time out, even if it is 20 minutes in the bath to read a book or listen to music.

Go out together if married or with a partner. Have a weekly or monthly date night together.

Keep your relationship strong.

6.Teach your kids how to do things for themselves.

Kids need to be taught independence, if you do everything for them they will not learn how to do things for themselves.

Chores teach kids to contribute in positive ways to family life.

7. Be consistent if you are a lone parent or as a couple.

If you say something mean it, both mean it.

If you have said no to something stick to it even if your child has a tantrum.

This is important, your kids will know they can rely on you as parents if you stick to what you have agreed.

8. Put limits on expectations.

Just because other kids get things does not mean your kids must have everything they want.

Tell them you will help them to save for that most wanted item.

9. Eat together.

We still eat around the table for our evening meal.

It is the time to catch up on each persons day, and to spend time together.

Often we have found this is the time that we have in depth character building conversations.

You know, the meaning of life conversations.

10.Always try to stay calm and in charge.

In any situation your kids will pick up your reaction to it.

If your toddler is having a tantrum don't join in by shouting.

Remain calm and in control, this means your kids can trust you in even the hardest of situations.

You will need to destress later perhaps with your partner.

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10 Parenting Tips

Parenting Tips Not rated yet
The best parenting tips I can give is to be consistent. I have a two and a half year old daughter and I believe that children are soooo much smarter …

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